SMART Business Show

Eps. 069 - Permission To Profit At Higher Prices ft Mimi Dabo

Adam Flores Season 1 Episode 69

Welcome to the SMART Business Show! Today’s special guest is the Creator and Founder of The Divine Intuitive Millionaire Experience and helps women do what they are called to do and get paid well for it. Today, we have a very cool topic, Permission To Profit At Higher Prices with none other than Mimi Dabo! 

If you sell a service, coaching program, or something that allows you to determine your price, she's going to give you the permission today to raise those prices to be paid at the highest level that you were meant to be paid at.

For anyone listening who wants to know what it would be like to work with Mimi because you're ready to invest at a higher level, you can message her on LinkedIn or Youtube. She even has a playbook that she can give you to help get you going in the right direction.