SMART Business Show

Eps. 016 - Systems that Scale ft. Liz IlIg

Adam Flores Season 1 Episode 16

I am happy to introduce you guys to Liz Illg, a specialist in scaling businesses who runs multiple businesses from digital to brick and mortar. I brought her on to discuss systems you need to put into place to really help you grow because the reality is with every vision, you can only get so far before you need to scale and duplicate. 

Liz opens up and shares her backstory of leaving her corporate job to opening up her first brick-and-mortar store to now opening 6 locations from that one brand -- she shares her process from going from being a one-woman operation to having a team that is now empowered to run without her.

Her best advice: invest in your systems and processes before you invest in people. Taking an entire year to write down every question and answer that came her way, Liz was able to create a standard operating procedure or a training manual that laid the foundation for the processes of her entire business enabling her to scale in a huge way.

She now gets to invest in the people, coaching them one on one for growing and scaling, specifically in documentation, building out systems, and what that looks like for their business.

You didn’t become an entrepreneur to become a slave to your business! Be inspired by Liz’ story, passion for systems, and processes enabling you to scale and expand to your greatest potential!

Learn more about Liz and how you could work with her at her website here: and don’t forget to follow her on Instagram at @legendaryideasgroup.