SMART Business Show

Eps. 045 - The 5 Shifts to Make your Facebook Ads work Again ft Toccara

Adam Flores Season 1 Episode 45

Today we have another special guest that is sharing GOLD for all of us affected by the iOS update. 

Let me introduce Toccara Karizma!

Toccara is a Digital Marketing Consultant,  Business Growth Strategist, and Founder and Creator of Karizma Marketing, where she has helped build 7-figure+ e-commerce brands and businesses for the last 14 years.

Today, we are talking about the five shifts to make your Facebook Ads work again since the dreaded iOS updates because it’s still working but there are just some adjustments that need to be made. 

Toccara explains more behind what we're losing in the iOS update, all our tracking abilities and audience targeting with the new privacy settings, and how she’s been able to get around that to control CPMs a little bit better, get the clicks on ads and find your target customers.

In this episode, she shares the massive growth her clients have seen even amidst all the changes when they started using the omnichannel strategy. Omnichannel means taking advantage of every marketing channel that you can be on.

Her prediction for 2022 is that Google and YouTube ads are going to become so much more popular because people are looking at other channels and they should be. Because inflation is happening and the number one way to protect your business and to continue growing is to start expanding into other marketing platforms. You have to be thinking outside the box right now.

She also warns against looking at vanity numbers but focusing on growing strong followers organically by producing great content and being engaging. The stronger those audiences are, the stronger you build up those relationships, the lower your ad costs will be, and the higher your return will be.

I’m so excited for you to dive into the high-level numbers and strategies she’s throwing at us and how to position your front end, back end, and how your ads fit into all of it! If you’re an e-commerce brand, have a notebook on hand for some new standards to be shooting for!

If you're listening to this and you are an e-commerce brand looking to scale, you have to reach out to Tocccara and allow her to look at your business! See how she can help you get to the next level and get in touch with her by heading over to or following her on Insta at @toccarakarizma.

Final words from Toccara: “Don't give up, keep testing, and don't give up on the E-commerce space right now. It's still a gold rush.” 

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